Tag Archives: VK3/VN-030

Mt Strickland VK3/VN-030 and Mt Vinegar VK3/VC-005 on a winter solstice

I had previously driven past the Mt Strickland Spur Track (off Granton Rd, which runs south from the Marysville Rd C512) to survey the approach to Mt Strickland from the north.  Granton Rd is just a few kilometers back toward Melbourne on the Marysville Rd after the turnoff to Mt Gordon.  So if it had worked out it would have been an easy segue from Mt Gordon to Mt Strickland.  However, upon finding the intersection of Granton and Strickland Spur Track, it was a definite 4wd prospect, and on consulting the map, I could see it was a long walk from there.  It looks to be about 6 km each way.  Not impossible but you need some time up your sleeve.  When I returned home, I consulted Wayne VK3WAM and other Mt Strickland activator’s blogs who described driving almost to the top if you come in from Acheron Way via Feiglins Rd.  So I did. The next time I was in the area.  Which happened to be June 21st, the southern hemisphere’s winter solstice.


On New Boundary Rd looking east. Activated just to the right.

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